Antonietta Trotta

Hatha und Kundalini Yogateacher

I first became a yoga teacher in 2011 and ever since I've never stopped exploring and sharing the amazing teachings of different yoga traditions and styles. I teach Hatha, Kundalini, Vinyasa and Yin yoga and love all of them equally.
Helping people to stay fit and healthy both physically and mentally, brings me so much joy that I can only wish to keep sharing, learning, supporting. My yoga classes are very much focused on strength and mobility as well as designed to develop mindfulness and show how to embrace it, not only in the class but in every little thing one does. I love building communities and holding a safe space where people can grow and shine and find their own path towards a full-fledged life of consciousness, joy and freedom.


Articles by 

Antonietta Trotta


Feb 28, 2021
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